

Understanding file access mechanisms for embedded Ubicomp collaboration interfaces

14 years 8 months ago
Understanding file access mechanisms for embedded Ubicomp collaboration interfaces
This paper explores the nature of interfaces to support people in accessing their files at tabletop displays embedded in the environment. To do this, we designed a study comparing people’s interaction with two very different classes of file system access interface: Focus, explicitly designed for tabletops, and the familiar hierarchical Windows Explorer. In our within-subjects double-crossover study, participants collaborated on 4 planning tasks. Based on video, logs, questionnaires and interviews, we conclude that both classes of interface have a place. Notably, Focus contributed to improved collaboration and more efficient use of the workspace than with Explorer. Our results inform a set of recommendations for future interfaces enabling this important class of interaction — supporting access to files for collaboration at tabletop devices embedded in an ubicomp environment. Author Keywords Tabletop interface, single display groupware, file system UI ACM Classification Keywor...
Anthony Collins, Anastasia Bezerianos, Gregor McEw
Added 25 Jul 2010
Updated 25 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where HUC
Authors Anthony Collins, Anastasia Bezerianos, Gregor McEwan, Markus Rittenbruch, Rainer Wasinger, Judy Kay
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