

Usage-based Object Similarity

14 years 1 months ago
Usage-based Object Similarity
: Recommender systems are widely used online to support users in finding relevant information. They can be based on different techniques such as content-based and collaborative filtering. In this paper, we introduce a new way of similarity calculation for item-based collaborative filtering. Thereby we focus on the usage of an object and not on the object’s users as we claim the hypothesis that similarity of usage indicates content similarity. To prove this hypothesis we use learning objects accessible through the MACE portal where students can query several architectural repositories. For these objects, we generate object profiles based on their usage monitored within MACE. We further propose several recommendation techniques to apply this usagebased similarity calculation in real systems. Key Words: attention metadata, recommender systems, item-based collaborative filtering Category: H.3.3, H.4.0, L.3.2
Katja Niemann, Maren Scheffel, Martin Friedrich, U
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JUCS
Authors Katja Niemann, Maren Scheffel, Martin Friedrich, Uwe Kirschenmann, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Martin Wolpers
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