

A User Guided Iterative Alignment Approach for Ontology Mapping

14 years 3 months ago
A User Guided Iterative Alignment Approach for Ontology Mapping
- The future of the Semantic Web envisions an interconnected network of data and systems where software agents can communicate seamlessly to perform complicated tasks with limited human intervention or input. One of the biggest obstacles germane to this vision, however, is the ability of systems to align ontologies correctly to translate and merge disparate but similar domains of knowledge into a single perspective. If ontologies are correctly aligned, the ability to organize and integrate separate data sources enables human or software agents to draw conclusions and gain insight that otherwise would be difficult or impossible. In this paper we concentrate on the ontology alignment problem by presenting a tool called Ontrapro--the Ontology Translation Protocol, which allows users to apply the Similarity Flooding algorithm to the ontology alignment problem in an iterative fashion. Alignment results are presented for the user to modify and guide the ontology alignment process until an ac...
Danny Chen, John Lastusky, James Starz, Stephen Ho
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where SWWS
Authors Danny Chen, John Lastusky, James Starz, Stephen Hookway
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