
14 years 4 months ago
Modeling an Ontology for Managing Contexts in Smart Meeting Space
- In recent years, computing becomes more mobile and pervasive; these changes imply that applications and services must be aware of and adapt to their changing contexts in highly d...
Mohammad Rezwanul Huq, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tuyen, You...
14 years 4 months ago
Survey of Semantic Extensions to UDDI: Implications for Sensor Services
−The ability for software agents to discover, query, and task ubiquitous sensors requires machineinterpretable service descriptions, such as those proposed by the Semantic Web ef...
J. Caleb Goodwin, David J. Russomanno, Joseph Qual...
14 years 4 months ago
A New Knowledge Representation Model to Support Multilingual Ontologies. A case Study
- Knowledge extraction methods have not efficiently evolved towards new methods to automate the process of building multilingual ontologies as the main representation of structured...
Jesús Cardeñosa, Carolina Gallardo, ...
14 years 4 months ago
A User Guided Iterative Alignment Approach for Ontology Mapping
- The future of the Semantic Web envisions an interconnected network of data and systems where software agents can communicate seamlessly to perform complicated tasks with limited ...
Danny Chen, John Lastusky, James Starz, Stephen Ho...
14 years 4 months ago
Patient 2.0 Empowerment
The authors want to show the implication of interactive ICT on patient empowerment, through an overview of some of the key aspects - EHR, telecare and patient networks - all this w...
Lodewijk Bos, Andrew Marsh, Denis Carroll, Sanjeev...
14 years 4 months ago
A proposal for Ontology Security Standards
- Semantic technologies, such as RDF (Resource Description Framework) and OWL (Web Ontology Language), are being widely used to store information. Ontology is mostly used in semant...
Muhammad Reza Fatemi, Atilla Elçi, Zeki Bay...
14 years 4 months ago
Metrics for Evaluating the Semantic Implications of Changes in Evolving Ontologies
We propose a set of metrics for measuring the semantic implications of changes during ontology evolution. Our metrics focus on the changes of classes and associated axioms or annot...
Chuming Chen, Manton M. Matthews
14 years 4 months ago
A New Approach to Managing the Evolution of OWL Ontologies
Abstract The growing demand for large and complex ontologies present new challenges related to their design, maintenance and evolution. In this paper, we propose an approach to man...
Chuming Chen, Manton M. Matthews
14 years 4 months ago
A Harmony based Adaptive Ontology Mapping Approach
- Ontology mapping seeks to find semantic correspondences between similar elements of different ontologies. Ontology mapping is critical to achieve semantic interoperability in the...
Ming Mao, Yefei Peng, Michael Spring
14 years 4 months ago
Multi-Modal Health and Activity Monitoring Framework for Elderly People at Home
- Since the population of elderly people grows absolutely and in relation to the overall population in the world, the improvement of the quality of life of elderly people at home i...
Ross Velentzas, Andy Marsh, Christos Biniaris, Jer...