

Usher: Improving Data Quality With Dynamic Forms

15 years 1 days ago
Usher: Improving Data Quality With Dynamic Forms
Data quality is a critical problem in modern databases. Data entry forms present the first and arguably best opportunity for detecting and mitigating errors, but there has been little research into automatic methods for improving data quality at entry time. In this paper, we propose Usher, an end-to-end system for form design, filling, and data quality assurance. Using previous form submissions, Usher learns a probabilistic model over the questions of the form. Usher then applies this model at every step of the data entry process to ensure high quality. Before entry, it induces a form layout that captures the most important data values of a form instance as quickly as possible. During entry, it dynamically adapts the form to the values being entered, and provides real-time feedback to guide the data enterer toward more likely values. After entry, it re-asks questions that it deems likely to have been entered incorrectly. We evaluate all three components of Usher using two real-world d...
Kuang Chen, Harr Chen, Neil Conway, Joseph M. Hell
Added 20 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Jan 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ICDE
Authors Kuang Chen, Harr Chen, Neil Conway, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Tapan S. Parikh
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