

Using Games As a Means for Collaboration

14 years 8 months ago
Using Games As a Means for Collaboration
The availability of a good interface for online user collaboration has been a sore point for most collaboration applications to date. While MUD’s, MOO’s, IRC and other chat applications are well suited to impersonal communication, the meaning of a single message can often be misconstrued or misunderstood, and the effort often required to learn control of a new application while understanding navigation in a virtual world, can be difficult to overcome. The Nexus promises to aid in the intuitive act of communication, interaction and movement and in the process enhance the collaboration experience for the user, through the use of a game engine.
Keiran Bartlett, Matthew Simpson
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where MMM
Authors Keiran Bartlett, Matthew Simpson
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