

Using Hopfield Networks to Solve Traveling Salesman Problems Based on Stable State Analysis Technique

14 years 4 months ago
Using Hopfield Networks to Solve Traveling Salesman Problems Based on Stable State Analysis Technique
In our recent work, a general method called the stable state analysis technique was developed to determine constraints that the weights in the Hopfield energy function must satisfy so that valid solutions of high quality can be always obtained. In this paper, the effectiveness of this method is demonstrated through a reinvestigation of the capability of the HNN to solve the traveling salesman problem (TSP). A large number of experiments on 10-city TSPs demonstrate the proposed method can obtain results comparable to those obtained using simulated annealing, while the mean error of achieved solutions to a 51-city TSP is about 15% longer than the optimal tour, which is much better than that of solutions obtained through other HNN-based methods.
Gang Feng, Christos Douligeris
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Gang Feng, Christos Douligeris
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