

Using Ontologies to Build Virtual Worlds for the Web

14 years 3 months ago
Using Ontologies to Build Virtual Worlds for the Web
Today, the development of a VR application is still a long and difficult task. You need to be skilled in Virtual Reality (VR) technology to be able to develop a Virtual World. There are several technologies like VRML, Java 3D and X3D available to create 3D for the World Wide Web. To be able to develop a Virtual World for the Web, one needs to know how to use these technologies from a programmer's perspective or how to use authoring tools supporting one of these technologies. To ease the use of VR, there is a need to have modeling tools that allow the designer to model his Virtual World much more in terms of the domain expert point of view. In this paper, a new approach called "VR-Wise" for designing and developing Virtual Worlds, is introduced. This approach uses the domain expertise to shorten and facilitate the generation of a virtual world. To do this, our approach uses ontologies. As ontologies are describing a domain or part of a domain, the information contained i...
Wesley Bille, Olga De Troyer, Frederic Kleinermann
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Wesley Bille, Olga De Troyer, Frederic Kleinermann, Bram Pellens, Raul Romero
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