

Using Personal Electronic Device for Authentication-Based Service Access

14 years 10 months ago
Using Personal Electronic Device for Authentication-Based Service Access
Abstract—A person usually carries multiple authentication tokens in the form of various cards to access services electronically. Often the service outlets are equipped with a strong infrastructure to permit the user interactions. The network connectivity is usually a must for the service outlet to authenticate the user with the server. In this paper, we propose a solution which uses the personal mobile devices held by the user to interact with the service outlets. Such a system can then alleviate the needs for interaction console and communication infrastructure at service outlets.
Abhishek Gaurav, Ankit Sharma, Vikas Gelara, Rajat
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICC
Authors Abhishek Gaurav, Ankit Sharma, Vikas Gelara, Rajat Moona
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