

Using At-Speed BIST to Test LVDS Serializer/Deserializer Function

14 years 2 months ago
Using At-Speed BIST to Test LVDS Serializer/Deserializer Function
LVDS is the acronym for Low-Voltage-DifferentialSignaling and is described in both the ANSI/TIA/EIA644 and IEEE 1596.3 standards. High performance yet Low Power and EMI have made LVDS a popular choice for high-speed card-to-card serial links. A typical application is the serializer/deserializer (ser/des) function where wide TTL datastreams including clock is converted to a serial LVDS bit stream, sent over a cable, and deserialization and clock recovery performed on the receiving card. This is a powerful design technique but presents interesting challenges from a testability perspective. First, LVDS links have a much different fault spectrum than the well-established stuck-at models used for TTL logic levels. The LVDS interconnect is a transmission line model, where the signal carrying integrity of the cable, fault models and fault detection are very frequency dependent. In addition, the Ser/Des function with clock recovery requires the two devices to achieve synchronization, so effor...
Magnus Eckersand, Fredrik Franzon, Ken Filliter
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where ET
Authors Magnus Eckersand, Fredrik Franzon, Ken Filliter
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