

Using Students' Devices and a No-to-Low Cost Online Tool to Support Interactive Experiential mLearning

14 years 3 months ago
Using Students' Devices and a No-to-Low Cost Online Tool to Support Interactive Experiential mLearning
The rapid evolution and ubiquitous use of mobile devices is an historical opportunity to improve experiential interactivity in education practices to support “deep” learning. A major barrier to the widespread adoption of mLearning in higher education is that of cost. Usage charges and the cost of mobile hardware are key issues. Opportunities to overcome this barrier include the high rate of ownership of mobile phones by university students and technological solutions such as packet transmission technologies. The paper introduces mInteract, a system which uses packet technology (mobile WAP/WML) to build no-tolow cost interactivity into learning spaces. The online tool supports active experiential learning transactions for both student and teacher. In 2008 mInteract was trialled in a subject with large numbers. Focus group feedback is presented that indicates high levels of engagement with both users and non-users of the tool.
Andrew Litchfield, Ryszard Raban, Laurel Evelyn Dy
Added 04 Sep 2010
Updated 04 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Andrew Litchfield, Ryszard Raban, Laurel Evelyn Dyson, Elyssebeth Leigh, Jonathon Tyler
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