

Validating Architectural Feature Descriptions using LOTOS

14 years 4 months ago
Validating Architectural Feature Descriptions using LOTOS
The phases of the ANISE project (Architectural Notions In Service Engineering) are briefly explained with reference to the work reported here. An outline strategy is given for translating ANISE descriptions to LOTOS (Language of Temporal Ordering Specification), thus providing a formal basis. It is shown how modular ANISE descriptions of features can be defined and then merged. Potential feature interactions can be identified statically through structural overlaps. A scenario language is introduced to express validation tests for features in a modular fashion, and a number of examples are given. Scenarios are automatically translated to LOTOS and analysed through LOTOS simulation. This allows features to be validated in isolation, and dynamically in combination with other features. The design of the translation and validation tools is discussed, showing typical results when investigating feature descriptions. The paper concludes with a guide to extending the approach for new features....
Kenneth J. Turner
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where FIW
Authors Kenneth J. Turner
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