
104views Communications» more  FIW 1998»
14 years 1 months ago
Validating Architectural Feature Descriptions using LOTOS
The phases of the ANISE project (Architectural Notions In Service Engineering) are briefly explained with reference to the work reported here. An outline strategy is given for tra...
Kenneth J. Turner
130views Communications» more  FIW 1998»
14 years 1 months ago
A Heuristic Approach to Detect Feature Interactions in Requirements
We present a method to systematically detect feature interactions in requirements, which are expressed as constraints on system event traces. We show its application on the lift sy...
Maritta Heisel, Jeanine Souquières
105views Communications» more  FIW 1998»
14 years 1 months ago
Feature Interaction Problem in Computer-Telephony Integration Systems
In this paper we describe an ongoing project aimed at investigating the impact of feature interaction problems on computer telephony integration (CTI). As a representative and soph...
Nikolay A. Anisimov, Alec Miloslavski, Gregory Pog...