

The value of redundant measurement in compressed sensing

13 years 4 months ago
The value of redundant measurement in compressed sensing
The aim of compressed sensing is to recover attributes of sparse signals using very few measurements. Given an overall bit budget for quantization, this paper demonstrates that there is value to redundant measurement. The measurement matrices considered here are required to have the property that signal recovery is still possible even after dropping certain subsets of D measurements. It introduces the concept of a measurement matrix that is weakly democratic in the sense that the amount of information about the signal carried by each of the designated D-subsets is the same. Examples of deterministic measurement matrices that are weakly democratic are constructed by exponentiating codewords from the binary second order Reed Muller code. The value in rejecting D measurements that are on average larger, is to be able to provide a finer grid for vector quantization of the remaining measurements, even after discounting the original budget by the bits used to identify the reject set. Simul...
Victoria Kostina, Marco F. Duarte, Sina Jafarpour,
Added 21 Aug 2011
Updated 21 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Victoria Kostina, Marco F. Duarte, Sina Jafarpour, A. Robert Calderbank
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