

Vector Geometry for Computer Graphics

14 years 1 months ago
Vector Geometry for Computer Graphics
translating your abstract notions of desired size and shape directly into the appropriate tugs and pulls. You would probably not think much about coordinate systems. Ifyouwantedtomakeatableonwhichtodisplayyour bowl, and then some chairs so people could sit around the table, you would again think at high level of abstraction about appropriate overall sizes and desired spatial relationships. Even though you would alternately think about how a leg fits on a chair and where each completed chair should stand around the table, these thoughts would not involve "chair coordinatesystems"and"tablecoordinate systems," and how one relates to the other. Ontheotherhand,whenwewant to use computers to help us design and visualize the objects in our world, we need a formal way to communicate our notions of size and shape to the computer. Obviously, coordinate systems come into play here, and we all know how they work. Infact,coordinatesystemsworksowellinthiscontext that most graphic...
James R. Miller
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Where CGA
Authors James R. Miller
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