

Viability Evolution: Elimination and Extinction in Evolutionary Computation

13 years 1 months ago
 Viability Evolution: Elimination and Extinction in Evolutionary Computation
Current mainstream Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) are based on the concept of selection, encapsulated in the definition of a fitness function. Besides selection, however, the natural evolutionary process includes a phenomenon of elimination, which is linked to the ideas of viability and contingency. In this paper, we show how elimination can be modeled and integrated with selection to give rise to a new evolutionary scheme that we call Selection-Elimination EA (SE-EA). Comparing conventional EA to the newly defined SE-EA we show that SE-EA can exploit naturally some prior information about the problem at hand that is seldom, if at all, exploited by conventional EA, while avoiding the assumption of knowledge that EA based on the fitness function require but that is usually not really available. We discuss the fact that the introduction of elimination in Evolutionary Computation gives rise to the possibility of obtaining a multi-level evolutionary process that includes as a central co...
Claudio Mattiussi
Mattiussi2003-ViabilityEvolution.pdf590.03 KB
Added 05 Feb 2012
Updated 31 Oct 2013
Type Technical Report
Year 2003
Where Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, EPFL
Authors Claudio Mattiussi
Attachments 1 file(s)
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