

Video retargeting: A visual-friendly dynamic programming approach

13 years 10 months ago
Video retargeting: A visual-friendly dynamic programming approach
Video retargeting is the task of fitting standard-sized video into arbitrary screen. A compelling retargeting attempts to preserve most visual information of original video as well as deliver a temporally consistent retargeted view. To handle long video sequences, we perform the task on a shot/subshot basis. For each frame, a crop pane is determined to optimally select a region of interest as the retargeted frame in two stages: i.e. minimizing visual information loss (intra-frame consideration) to yield source and destination crop pane parameters at boundary frames and minimizing visual information loss accumulation under the visual inertness (inter-frame consideration) constraints to search for a smooth transition of crop pane across interior frames. The second minimization process is remodeled as the shortest-path problem in graph theory and the parametric transition of crop panes is solved by dynamic programming. Experiments demonstrate our approach preserves salient regions of ori...
Zheng Yuan, Taoran Lu, Yu Huang, Dapeng Wu, Heathe
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICIP
Authors Zheng Yuan, Taoran Lu, Yu Huang, Dapeng Wu, Heather Yu
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