Past research on automatic laughter classification / detection has focused mainly on audio-based approaches. Here we present an audiovisual approach to distinguishing laughter fr...
Visual information pervades our environment. Vision is used to de cide everything from what we want to eat at a restaurant and which bus route to take to whether our clothes match...
Jeffrey P. Bigham, Chandrika Jayant, Hanjie Ji, Gr...
Abstract. Nowadays, multimedia documents composed of text and images are increasingly used, thanks to the Internet and the increasing capacity of data storage. It is more and more ...
Video retargeting is the task of fitting standard-sized video into arbitrary screen. A compelling retargeting attempts to preserve most visual information of original video as wel...
■ Audiovisual speech perception provides an opportunity to investigate the mechanisms underlying multimodal processing. By using nonspeech stimuli, it is possible to investigate...
Marco Loh, Gabriele Schmid, Gustavo Deco, Wolfram ...
— Multi-target tracking becomes significantly more challenging when the targets are in close proximity or frequently interact with each other. This paper presents a promising tr...
Xuan Song, Huijing Zhao, Jinshi Cui, Xiaowei Shao,...
In this paper, we propose an architecture for a cognitive robot based on tactile and visual information. Visual information contains various features such as location and area of ...
Lip reading provides useful information in speech perception and language understanding, especially when the auditory speech is degraded. However, many current automatic lip readi...
Uwe Meier, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Yang, Alex Wai...
Selective visual attention is believed to be responsible for serializing visual information for recognizing one object at a time in a complex scene. But how can we attend to objec...
Typographic and visual information is an integral part of textual documents. Most information extraction systems ignore most of this visual information, processing the text as a l...