

Virtual Environments for Geographic Visualization: Potential and Challenges

14 years 6 months ago
Virtual Environments for Geographic Visualization: Potential and Challenges
Virtual environment (VE) technologies have considerable potential to extend the power of information visualization methods, and those of scientific visualization more broadly. Our specific focus here is on VE technologies as a medium for geographic visualization and on some of the challenges that must be addressed if the potential of VE is to be realized in this context.
Alan M. MacEachren, Robert M. Edsall, Daniel Haug,
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where NPIV
Authors Alan M. MacEachren, Robert M. Edsall, Daniel Haug, Ryan Baxter, George Otto, Raymon Masters, Sven Fuhrmann, Liujian Qian
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