We present an image-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) framework with online, appearanceonly loop closing. We adopt a layered approach with metric maps over small areas at the local level and a global, graph-based abstract topological framework to build consistent maps over large distances. Rao-Blackwellised particle filtering and sparse bundle adjustment are efficiently coupled with a stereo-vision based odometry module to construct conditionally independent `submaps' using SIFT features. By extracting keyframes from these submaps, a multiresolution dictionary of distinct features is built online to learn a generative model of appearance and perform loopclosure. Creating such a dictionary also enables the system to distinguish between similar regions during loop closure without requiring any offline training, as has been described in other approaches. Furthermore, instead of occupancy or grid maps, we build 3D reconstructions of the world - a model we plan to use...
Vivek Pradeep, Gérard G. Medioni, James Wei