

Visual Surveillance for Moving Vehicles

14 years 3 months ago
Visual Surveillance for Moving Vehicles
An overview is given of a novel vision system for locating, recognising and tracking multiple vehicles, using a single monocular camera mounted on a moving vehicle1 . 3D model-based techniques are employed to obtain detailed information about vehicle movements. Egomotion estimation is performed by inter-frame tracking of features on the ground plane. Vehicle detection and hypothesis generation is performed using a template correlation technique. Once detected and identified, vehicles are tracked using dynamic filtering. The resulting information about 3-D vehicle motions is passed to a collision alert system which can warn the driver of potential hazards. The overall approach is demonstrated on a typical motorway image sequence.
James M. Ferryman, Stephen J. Maybank, Anthony D.
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where IJCV
Authors James M. Ferryman, Stephen J. Maybank, Anthony D. Worrall
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