

Visualizing Abstract Data Using Animation

15 years 1 months ago
Visualizing Abstract Data Using Animation
ing Abstract Data Using Animation Amit P. Sawant Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University Christopher G. Healey Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University This research project presents a technique that allows viewers to compare query results representing user-selected subsets of a multidimensional movie dataset. We present an algorithm that visualizes movie data along a space-filling spiral. Graphical glyphs that vary their position, color, and texture appearance are used to represent attribute values embedded in the data elements. Guidelines from human perception allow us to construct glyphs that are specifically designed to support exploration, facilitate the discovery of trends and relationships both within and between attributes, and highlight exceptions. A clustering algorithm applied to a user-chosen ranking attribute bundles together similar data elements. This encapsulation is used to show relationships across different queries via ...
Amit Sawant, Christopher Healey
Added 03 Nov 2009
Updated 03 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where VIS
Authors Amit Sawant, Christopher Healey
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