

Visualizing Maple Plots with JavaViewLib

14 years 1 months ago
Visualizing Maple Plots with JavaViewLib
Abstract. JavaViewLib is a new Maple package combined with the JavaView visualization toolkit that adds new interactivity to Maple plots in both web pages and worksheets. It provides a superior viewing environment to enhance plots in Maple by adding several features to plots’ interactivity, such as mouse-controlled scaling, translation, rotation in 2d, 3d, and 4d, auto-view modes, animation, picking, material colors, texture and transparency. The arc-ball rotation makes geometry viewing smoother and less directionally constrained than in Maple. Furthermore, it offers geometric modeling features that allow plots to be manipulated and imported into a worksheet. Several commands are available to export Maple plots to interactive web pages while keeping interactivity. JavaViewLib is available as an official Maple Powertool.
Steven Peter Dugaro, Konrad Polthier
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Steven Peter Dugaro, Konrad Polthier
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