

Vlasov simulations on an adaptive phase-space grid

14 years 3 months ago
Vlasov simulations on an adaptive phase-space grid
We introduce here a new method for the numerical resolution of the Vlasov equation on a phase space grid using an adaptive semi-Lagrangian method. The adaptivity is obtained through a multiresolution analysis which enables to keep or remove grid points from the simulation depending on the size of their associated coefficients in a multiresolution expansion. The adaptive algorithm consists in three steps : prediction of the active grid points at the next time step, the usual semi-Lagrangian algorithm, and a compression allowing to eliminate unnecessary grid points. Key words: Vlasov; phase-space grid; adaptive; multiresolution; plasma physics; beam physics. The numerical resolution of the Vlasov equation is usually performed by particle methods (PIC) which consist in approximating the plasma by a finite number of particles. The trajectories of these particles are computed from the characteristic curves given by the Vlasov equation, whereas self-consistent fields are computed on a mesh ...
Michael Gutnic, Matthieu Haefele, I. Paun, Eric So
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Authors Michael Gutnic, Matthieu Haefele, I. Paun, Eric Sonnendrücker
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