
60views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Vlasov simulations of beams with a moving grid
Eric Sonnendrücker, Francis Filbet, Alex Frie...
79views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations in general geometry
We present a hybrid kinetic-MHD model consisting of 3 species, the bulk fluid ions and electrons, and a kinetic minority hot particle species. The 3 species equations are derived ...
Charlson C. Kim, Carl R. Sovinec, Scott E. Parker
68views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Kinetic simulation of the VTF magnetic reconnection experiment
A new numerical code is developed to assist the interpretation of experimental results from the Versatile Toroidal Facility (VTF) magnetic reconnection experiment. As input the co...
J. Egedal, W. Fox, E. Belonohy, M. Porkolab
87views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Vlasov simulations on an adaptive phase-space grid
We introduce here a new method for the numerical resolution of the Vlasov equation on a phase space grid using an adaptive semi-Lagrangian method. The adaptivity is obtained throu...
Michael Gutnic, Matthieu Haefele, I. Paun, Eric So...
54views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Self-gravitational collapse of a magnetized cloud core: high resolution simulations with three-dimensional MHD nested grid
We investigate self-gravitational collapse of magnetized molecular cloud cores and formation of the outflow. We employ a nested grid in order to resolve fine structures of protost...
Tomoaki Matsumoto, Masahiro N. Machida, Kohji Tomi...
73views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
dxhdf5: A software package for importing HDF5 physics data into OpenDX
A software package, dxhdf5, for importing HDF5 data into OpenDX is discussed. HDF5 is a hierarchical, self-describing data format that is rapidly becoming a standard for storing l...
Ireneusz Szczesniak, John R. Cary
66views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
UCLA Parallel PIC Framework
Viktor K. Decyk, Charles D. Norton
85views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Beyond benchmarking - how experiments and simulations can work together in plasma physics
There has been dramatic progress in the scope and power of plasma simulations in recent years; and because codes are generally cheaper to write, to run and to diagnose than experi...
Martin Greenwald
80views more  CPHYSICS 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
A treecode algorithm for simulating electron dynamics in a Penning-Malmberg trap
A treecode algorithm is presented for computing the electrostatic potential and electric field in a system of charged particles. The algorithm is grid-free and with N particles it...
A. J. Christlieb, R. Krasny, John P. Verboncoeur