

Voice Quality of European Portuguese Emotional Speech

14 years 5 months ago
Voice Quality of European Portuguese Emotional Speech
An acoustic analysis was conducted to investigate parameters related to Voice Quality in European Portuguese (EP) speech conveying several emotions. Our main objectives were: to obtain, to our knowledge for the first time, values for the parameters commonly contemplated in acoustic analyses of emotional speech; to compare the obtained parameter values with the ones reported for other languages, in order to determine which follow general tendencies and which are characteristic of the EP language. We used a small corpus ... A professional actor recorded two different utterances, expressing five emotions: joy, sadness, despair; fear, anger and neutral. We investigated how different were the results for F0 , jitter, shimmer, Harmonic Noise Ratio (HNR) . The analysis of different F0 parameters showed that anger is clearly differentiated, presenting an average value near 300 Hz; joy and fear (around 150 Hz) also have higher mean F0 than neutral or sadness (100 Hz). For jitter our resu...
Ana Nunes, Rosa Lídia Coimbra, Antón
Added 09 Jul 2010
Updated 09 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Ana Nunes, Rosa Lídia Coimbra, António Teixeira
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