This paper presents an analysis of phoneme durations of emotional speech in two languages: Dutch and Korean. The analyzed corpus of emotional speech has been specifically develope...
The ability for humans to understand and process the emotional content of speech is unsurpassed by simulated intelligent agents. Beyond the linguistic content of speech are the un...
Corey M. Thibeault, Oscar Sessions, Philip H. Good...
Data sparseness is an ever dominating problem in automatic emotion recognition. Using artificially generated speech for training or adapting models could potentially ease this: t...
This study explores manifold representations of emotionally modulated speech. The manifolds are derived in the articulatory space and two acoustic spaces (MFB and MFCC) using isom...
The paper describes an experimental study on the detection of emotion from speech. As computer based characters such as avatars and virtual chat faces become more common, the use ...
Feng Yu, Eric Chang, Ying-Qing Xu, Heung-Yeung Shu...
An acoustic analysis was conducted to investigate parameters related to Voice Quality in European Portuguese (EP) speech conveying several emotions. Our main objectives were: to o...
This paper describes an initial approach to emotional speech synthesis in Catalan based on a diphone concatenation TTS system. The main goal of this work is to develop a simple pro...
The lack of publicly available annotated databases is one of the major barriers to research advances on emotional information processing. In this contribution we present a recentl...
Michael Grimm, Kristian Kroschel, Shrikanth Naraya...
One of the biggest challenges in emotional speech resynthesis is the selection of modification parameters that will make humans perceive a targeted emotion. The best selection me...
Our research in emotional speech analysis has led to the construction of several dedicated high quality, online corpora of natural emotional speech assets. The requirements for que...
Charlie Cullen, Brian Vaughan, John McAuley, Evin ...