

Volume rendering of abdominal aortic aneurysms

14 years 4 months ago
Volume rendering of abdominal aortic aneurysms
Volume rendering is a valuable and important technique for scientific visualization. One well known application area is the reconstruction and visualization of output from medical scanners like computed tomography (CT). 2D greyscale slices produced by these scanners can be reconstructed and displayed onscreen as a 3D model. Volume visualization of medicalimages mustaddresstwo important issues. First, it is difficult to segment medical scans into individual materials based only on intensity values. This can result in volumes that contain large amounts of unimportant or unnecessary material. Second, although greyscale images are the normal method for displayingmedicalvolumes,thesetypes ofimagesare notnecessarily appropriate for highlighting regions of interest within the volume. Studies ofthe humanvisualsystemhaveshownthat individual intensity values are difficult to detect in a greyscale image. In these situations colour is a more effective visual feature, since the lowlevel visual ...
Roger C. Tam, Christopher G. Healey, Borys Flak, P
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Roger C. Tam, Christopher G. Healey, Borys Flak, Peter Cahoon
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