

Voting by Grouping Dependent Parts

12 years 6 months ago
Voting by Grouping Dependent Parts
Hough voting methods efficiently handle the high complexity of multiscale, category-level object detection in cluttered scenes. The primary weakness of this approach is however that mutually dependent local observations are independently voting for intrinsically global object properties such as object scale. All the votes are added up to obtain object hypotheses. The assumption is thus that object hypotheses are a sum of independent part votes. Popular representation schemes are, however, based on an overlapping sampling of semi-local image features with large spatial support (e.g. SIFT or geometric blur). Features are thus mutually dependent and we incorporate these dependences into probabilistic Hough voting by presenting an objective function that combines three intimately related problems: i) grouping of mutually dependent parts, ii) solving the correspondence problem conjointly for dependent parts, and iii) finding concerted object hypotheses using extended groups rath...
Pradeep Yarlagadda, Antonio Monroy and Bjorn Ommer
Added 04 Jun 2012
Updated 06 Jun 2012
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ECCV
Authors Pradeep Yarlagadda, Antonio Monroy and Bjorn Ommer
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