

Weakly pulse-coupled oscillators: Heterogeneous delays lead to homogeneous phase

13 years 6 months ago
Weakly pulse-coupled oscillators: Heterogeneous delays lead to homogeneous phase
This paper studies the effect of heterogenous delays in networks of weakly pulse-coupled identical oscillators. We develop a new framework to study them by constructing a non-delayed phase model that is equivalent to the original one in the continuum limit. Using existing results for nondelayed phase-coupled oscillators we analyze the delayed system and show how its stability properties depend on the delay distribution. In particular, we show that in some scenarios, heterogeneity, i.e. wider delay distribution, can help reach inphase synchronization.
Enrique Mallada, Ao Tang
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CDC
Authors Enrique Mallada, Ao Tang
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