

Web Context Classification Based on Information Quality Factors

14 years 2 months ago
Web Context Classification Based on Information Quality Factors
: The fact that the World Wide Web is being used for various purposes also implies that users may have various information quality factors to consider according to their current context. In this regards, it is important for Web recommendation services to recognize what quality factors should be considered in current context in order to enhance user satisfaction. We showed that it is necessary to classify Web contexts based on the information quality factors users consider in their minds when they choose websites or Web pages. The results of user interviews showed that there are four quality factors: credibility, recency, popularity, and relevance. From survey data analysis, we recognized that user tasks can be clustered into two groups based on the quality factors that users consider. Finally, the results of log data analysis and performances of our proposed algorithm showed that it is possible to enable Web services to infer the context group. This result implies that context recognit...
Jinhyuk Choi, Geehyuk Lee, Junghoon Moon
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JUCS
Authors Jinhyuk Choi, Geehyuk Lee, Junghoon Moon
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