

Weyl sums in Fq[x] with digital restrictions

14 years 3 months ago
Weyl sums in Fq[x] with digital restrictions
Let Fq be a finite field and consider the polynomial ring Fq[X]. Let Q Fq[X]. A function f : Fq[X] G, where G is a group, is called strongly Q-additive, if f(AQ + B) = f(A) + f(B) holds for all polynomials A, B Fq[X] with deg B < deg Q. We estimate Weyl Sums in Fq[X] restricted by Q-additive functions. In particular, for a certain character E we study sums of the form P E(h(P)), where h Fq((X-1))[Y ] is a polynomial with coefficients contained in the field of formal Laurent series over Fq and the range of P is restricted by conditions on fi(P), where fi (1 i r) are Qi-additive functions. Adopting an idea of Gelfond such sums can be rewritten as sums of the form deg P <n E h(P) + r i=1 Ri Mi fi(A) , with Ri, Mi Fq[X]. Sums of this shape are treated by applying the k-th iterate of the Weylvan der Corput inequality and studying higher correlations of the functions fi. With these Weyl Sum estimates we show uniform distribution results.
Manfred G. Madritsch, Jörg M. Thuswaldner
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where FFA
Authors Manfred G. Madritsch, Jörg M. Thuswaldner
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