

What should be expected from feature selection in small-sample settings

14 years 3 months ago
What should be expected from feature selection in small-sample settings
Motivation: High-throughput technologies for rapid measurement of vast numbers of biological variables offer the potential for highly discriminatory diagnosis and prognosis; however, high dimensionality togetherwithsmallsamplescreatestheneedforfeatureselection,while at the same time making feature-selection algorithms less reliable. Feature selection must typically be carried out from among thousands of gene-expression features and in the context of a small sample (small number of microarrays). Two basic questions arise: (1) Can one expect feature selection to yield a feature set whose error is close to that of an optimal feature set? (2) If a good feature set is not found, should it be expected that good feature sets do not exist? Results: The two questions translate quantitatively into questions concerning conditional expectation. (1) Given the error of an optimal feature set, what is the conditionally expected error of the selected feature set? (2) Given the error of the selected f...
Chao Sima, Edward R. Dougherty
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Chao Sima, Edward R. Dougherty
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