

Xenbase: gene expression and improved integration

13 years 7 months ago
Xenbase: gene expression and improved integration
Xenbase (, the model organism database for Xenopus laevis and X. (Silurana) tropicalis, is the principal centralized resource of genomic, development data and community information for Xenopus research. Recent improvements include the addition of the literature and interaction tabs to gene catalog pages. New content has been added including a section on gene expression patterns that incorporates image data from the literature, large scale screens and community submissions. Gene expression data are integrated into the gene catalog via an expression tab and is also searchable by multiple criteria using an expression search interface. The gene catalog has grown to contain over 15 000 genes. Collaboration with the European Xenopus Research Center (EXRC) has resulted in a stock center section with data on frog lines supplied by the EXRC. Numerous improvements have also been made to search and navigation. Xenbase is also the source of the Xenopus Anatomical Ontology and the ...
Jeff B. Bowes, Kevin A. Snyder, Erik Segerdell, Ch
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where NAR
Authors Jeff B. Bowes, Kevin A. Snyder, Erik Segerdell, Chris Jarabek, Kenan Azam, Aaron M. Zorn, Peter D. Vize
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