

ZooMICSS: a zoomable map image collection sensemaking system (the Katrina Rita context)

14 years 6 months ago
ZooMICSS: a zoomable map image collection sensemaking system (the Katrina Rita context)
Access to devices that integrate Global Positioning data with image and sound acquisition becomes more common, enabling people to build large collections of locative multimedia. As the size and number of these locative media collections grow, so too does the importance of systems that support collection sensemaking. Media semantics, which include automatically acquired location data, as well as user-supplied annotations, play a key role in these user-centered processes of collection utilization. This demo presents a Zoomable Map Image Collection Sensemaking System that enables the collection, organization, browsing, and annotation of locative images. The Zoomable Map Perspective is supplemented by event-based clustering. Dynamic views are generated automatically from captured media. The system is currently being used to document the location and condition of homes and neighborhoods in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Categories and Subject Descriptors H5.2 Information Interfaces an...
Ross Graeber, Andruid Kerne, M. Kathryn Henderson
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where MM
Authors Ross Graeber, Andruid Kerne, M. Kathryn Henderson
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