The Web can be naturally modeled as a directed graph, consisting of a set of abstract nodes (the pages) joined by directional edges (the hyperlinks). Hyperlinks encode a considerab...
Visualizing pathways, i. e. models of cellular functional networks, is a challenging task in computer assisted biomedicine. Pathways are represented as large collections of interw...
Marc Streit, Michael Kalkusch, Karl Kashofer, Diet...
Robot projects are often evolutionary dead ends, with the software and hardware they produce disappearing without trace afterwards. Common causes include dependencies on uncommon ...
Paul M. Fitzpatrick, Giorgio Metta, Lorenzo Natale
Abstract-- This work deals with devising a secure, powerefficient, beam-steerable and on-chip transmission system for wireless sensor networks. A passively controllable smart (PCS)...
Javad Lavaei, Aydin Babakhani, Ali Hajimiri, John ...
The 3-D reconstruction of cardiac vasculature using C-arm CT is an active and challenging field of research. In interventional environments patients often do have arrhythmic heart ...