Entertainment systems promise to be a significant application for Mixed Reality. Recently, a growing number of Mixed Reality applications have included interaction with virtual ac...
Fred Charles, Marc Cavazza, Steven J. Mead, Olivie...
One of the outcomes of Moore's Law - according to which the exponential growth of technical advances in computer science is pushing more and more of our computers into obsole...
Thimoty Barbieri, Franca Garzotto, Giovanni Beltra...
Virtual and Augmented Reality allows a new way of result exploration of numerical simulations, its analysis and interpretation by immersing the user into the data sets and/or by k...
—We present a real-time algorithm which can recover the 3D trajectory of a monocular camera, moving rapidly through a previously unknown scene. Our system, which we dub MonoSLAM,...
Andrew J. Davison, Ian D. Reid, Nicholas Molton, O...
This paper presents user interface technology, using a glove based menuing system and 3D interaction techniques. It is designed to support applications that allow users to constru...