In a P2P file-sharing system, a node finds and retrieves its desired file. If multiple nodes cache the same file to provide others, we can achieve a file-sharing system with ...
In this work we define and study a new model for the caching problem in a heterogeneous wireless network under a flash-crowd scenario. Using non-cooperative game theory, we cast t...
Pietro Michiardi, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Claud...
In this paper, we investigate Reinforcement learning (RL) in multi-agent systems (MAS) from an evolutionary dynamical perspective. Typical for a MAS is that the environment is not ...
Karl Tuyls, Pieter Jan't Hoen, Bram Vanschoenwinke...
—Cooperative spectrum sensing has been shown to be able to greatly improve the sensing performance in cognitive radio networks. However, if cognitive users belong to different se...
Although well understood in the single-agent framework, the use of traditional reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms in multi-agent systems (MAS) is not always justified. The fe...