Understanding the structure of large existing (and evolving) software systems is a major challenge for software engineers. In reverse engineering, we aim to compute, for a given s...
Recently, a new web development technique for creating interactive web applications, dubbed AJAX, has emerged in response to the limited degree of interactivity in large-grain sta...
The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) concept aims to enabling costeffective multi-mode baseband solutions for wireless terminals. However, the growing complexity of new communication ...
Bruno Bougard, Bjorn De Sutter, Sebastien Rabou, D...
Distributedmultimedia applicationsrequire performanceguarantees from the underlying network subsystem. Ethernet has been the dominant local area network architecture in the last d...
We address the problem of mapping a set of processes which communicate synchronously on a distributed platform. The Time Triggered Architecture (TTA) proposed by Kopetz for the co...
Albert Benveniste, Paul Caspi, Marco Di Natale, Cl...