In this contribution we transfer a customer purchase incidence model for consumer products which is based on Ehrenberg's repeat-buying theory to Web-based information products...
Andreas Geyer-Schulz, Michael Hahsler, Maximillian...
. Organizations are increasingly turning to large, enterprise-wide software systems as potential solutions to managing complex business-to-business (B2B) relationships. These syste...
Claudia Loebbecke, Thomas Weiss, Philip Powell, Ch...
We propose a method for induction of compact optimal recommendation policies based on discovery of frequent itemsets in a purchase database, followed by the application of standar...
- Recommender systems provide personalized recommendations on products or services to customers. Collaborative filtering is a widely used method of providing recommendations based ...
There are many e-commerce applications on the web. A common shortcoming is the lack of customer service and marketing analysis tools in most ecommerce web sites. In order to overc...