Abstract. Description logics (DLs) are a well-known family of knowledge representation (KR) languages. The notation of DLs has the style of a variable-free first order predicate l...
Description logics (DLs) are widely employed in recent semantic web application systems. However, classical description logics are limited when dealing with imprecise concepts and ...
We give a brief overview of the main characteristics of diagrammatic reasoning, analyze a case of human reasoning in a mastermind game, and explain why hybrid representation system...
The uptake in the software industry of notations for designing systems visually has been accelerated with the standardization of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The formaliza...
John Howse, Fernando Molina, John Taylor, Sun-Joo ...
Abstract. This paper presents an algorithm of adaptation for a case-based reasoning system with cases and domain knowledge represented in the expressive description logic ALC. The ...