People tracking is a key technology for autonomous systems, intelligent cars and social robots operating in populated environments. What makes the task difficult is that the appea...
Luciano Spinello, Kai Oliver Arras, Rudolph Triebe...
People detection is a key capacity for robotics systems that have to interact with humans. This paper addresses the problem of detecting people using multiple layers of 2D laser ra...
Abstract— The problem of place recognition appears in different mobile robot navigation problems including localization, SLAM, or change detection in dynamic environments. Wherea...
— A very fast but nevertheless accurate approach for surface extraction from noisy 3D point clouds is presented. It consists of two parts, namely a plane fitting and a polygonal...
Jann Poppinga, Narunas Vaskevicius, Andreas Birk 0...
Recognition of 3D objects from different viewpoints is a difficult problem. In this paper, we propose a new method to recognize 3D range images by matching local surface descripto...