Irreversible computation necessarily results in energy dissipation due to information loss. While small in comparison to the power consumption of today’s VLSI circuits, if curre...
Model checking and other finite-state analysis techniques have been very successful when used with hardware systems and less successful with software systems. It is especially di...
This paper offers a solution to the mode problem in computer sketch/notetaking programs. Conventionally, the user must specify the intended "draw" or "command"...
This paper continues the program initiated in [5], towards a derivation system for security protocols. The general idea is that complex protocols can be formally derived, starting...
Anupam Datta, Ante Derek, John C. Mitchell, Dusko ...
For the last ten years, a significant amount of work in the constraint community has been devoted to the improvement of complete methods for solving soft constraints networks. We ...
Simon de Givry, Javier Larrosa, Pedro Meseguer, Th...