Solving complex global problems such as illegal immigration, border control, and terrorism requires government organizations at all levels to share not only data but, more importa...
Seema Degwekar, Jeff DePree, Howard W. Beck, Carla...
When humans approach the task of text categorization, they interpret the specific wording of the document in the much larger context of their background knowledge and experience. ...
- A major challenge facing management in developed countries is improving the performance of knowledge and service workers, i.e. the decision makers. In a developing country such a...
The organization and mining of malaria genomic and post-genomic data is important to significantly increase the knowledge of the biology of its causative agents, and is motivated,...
L.-M. Birkholtz, Olivier Bastien, G. Wells, D. Gra...
Digital archives are dedicated to the long-term preservation of electronic information and have the mandate to enable sustained access despite rapid technology changes. Persistent...