While microprocessor designers turn to multicore architectures to sustain performance expectations, the dramatic increase in parallelism of such architectures will put substantial...
Susmit Biswas, Diana Franklin, Alan Savage, Ryan D...
— Scientific computing often requires the availability of a massive number of computers for performing large scale experiments. Traditionally, these needs have been addressed by ...
High assurance systems such as those found in aircraft controls and the financial industry are often required to handle a mix of tasks where some are niceties (such as the contro...
Mohit Tiwari, Xun Li, Hassan M. G. Wassel, Frederi...
Hardware support for dynamic analysis can minimize the performance overhead of useful applications such as security checks, debugging, and profiling. To eliminate implementation ...
Abstract. The extensible markup language XML has become the de facto standard for information representation and interchange on the Internet. XML parsing is a core operation perfor...