Background: High-throughput functional genomics technologies generate large amount of data with hundreds or thousands of measurements per sample. The number of sample is usually m...
Cheng-Jian Xu, Huub C. J. Hoefsloot, Age K. Smilde
Background: Combining multiple evidence-types from different information sources has the potential to reveal new relationships in biological systems. The integrated information ca...
Artem Lysenko, Michael Defoin-Platel, Keywan Hassa...
Background: Using microarray and sequencing platforms, a large number of copy number variations (CNVs) have been identified in humans. In practice, because our human genome is a d...
Background: Second generation sequencing technologies yield DNA sequence data at ultra high-throughput. Common to most biological applications is a mapping of the reads to an almo...
Manuel Holtgrewe, Anne-Katrin Emde, David Weese, K...
Background: The secondary structure of RNA molecules is intimately related to their function and often more conserved than the sequence. Hence, the important task of searching dat...
Fernando Meyer, Stefan Kurtz, Rolf Backofen, Sebas...