Standard signature schemes are usually designed only to achieve weak unforgeability – i.e. preventing forgery of signatures on new messages not previously signed. However, most s...
In order to reduce key sizes and bandwidth, cryptographic systems have been proposed using minimal polynomials to represent finite field elements. These systems are essentially e...
Most public key cryptosystems have been constructed based on abelian groups up to now. We propose a new public key cryptosystem built on finite non abelian groups in this paper. I...
Seong-Hun Paeng, Kil-Chan Ha, Jae Heon Kim, Seongt...
We give new methods for generating and using “strong trapdoors” in cryptographic lattices, which are simultaneously simple, efficient, easy to implement (even in parallel), a...
In this paper we present a new practical key-recovery attack on the SFLASH signature scheme. SFLASH is a derivative of the older C∗ encryption and signature scheme that was broke...
Charles Bouillaguet, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Gilles M...