When we have multiple users compiling a single message, including shared contents, metadata, policy, and so on, the integrity of the contents created by individual users needs to ...
Abstract. We introduce a compact and efficient representation of elements of the algebraic torus. This allows us to design a new discretelog based public-key system achieving the o...
This paper investigates the Random Oracle Model (ROM) feature known as programmability, which allows security reductions in the ROM to dynamically choose the range points of an ide...
Marc Fischlin, Anja Lehmann, Thomas Ristenpart, Th...
Abstract. We focus on the implementation and security aspects of cryptographic protocols that use Type 1 and Type 4 pairings. On the implementation front, we report improved timing...
Sanjit Chatterjee, Darrel Hankerson, Alfred Meneze...
: We look at message recognition protocols (MRPs) and prove that there is a oneto-one correspondence between stateless non-interactive MRPs and digital signature schemes. Next, we ...