We consider the structure from motion problem for a previously introduced, highly general imaging model, where cameras are modeled as possibly unconstrained sets of projection ray...
In this paper, an easy calibration method for projector is proposed. The calibration handled in this paper is projective relation between 3D space and 2D pattern, and is not corre...
We provide an overview of an architecture of today's Internet streaming media delivery networks and describe various problems that such systems pose with regard to video codin...
Gregory J. Conklin, Gary S. Greenbaum, Karl Olav L...
In a video conferencing setting, people often use an elongated meeting table with the major axis along the camera direction. A standard wide angle perspective image of this settin...
Textures are one of the basic features in visual searching and computational vision. In the literature, most of the attention has been focussed on the texture features with minima...