An important means of validating the design of commercial-grade shared memory multiprocessors is to run a large number of pseudo-random test programs on them. However, when intent...
Denial of service resilience is an important practical consideration for key agreement protocols in any hostile environment such as the Internet. There are well-known models that ...
Many multimedia applications rely on the computation of logarithms, for example, when estimating log-likelihoods for Gaussian Mixture Models. Knowing of the demand to compute loga...
In this work we present a calibration-free system for locating wireless local area network devices, based on the radio frequency characteristics of such networks. Calibration proc...
Virtualization is often used in cloud computing platforms for its several advantages in efficiently managing resources. However, virtualization raises certain additional challeng...
Aman Kansal, Feng Zhao, Jie Liu, Nupur Kothari, Ar...